Not as seen on TV

Most people have watched Law and Order, Judge Judy, People’s Court or some other show that illustrates what happens in court. The judge opens the docket and the plaintiff tells the judge what the defendant did to him. Then, the defendant either denies the allegations or explains to the judge why he should not get in trouble for what he did. The judge makes a decision. Either the injured plaintiff wins the case and gets what he deserves or the innocent defendant leaves vindicated. All this happens in under an hour.

In real life, cases do not resolve that fast. In real life, personal injury cases typically are in court more than a day. Further, it takes months or years before the personal injury case even gets to court. After a decision is made, the personal injury settlement still has to be paid. Contrary to the implications you might make from television, defendants typically do not walk around with checks for millions of dollars waiting to give them to the plaintiff. Occasionally, it is simple because the defendant does have the money to pay the plaintiff. However, sometimes the defendants do not have the money to pay the personal injury settlement . Sometimes the check has to be processed through an insurance agency. Sometimes the plaintiff does not have the money to get by until the settlement arrives.

Pegasus Legal Funding provides money to individuals who are waiting to get a settlement. Pegasus Legal Funding is here to help when the legal process does not go as smooth in real life as it does on television.

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